"Words and writing will last, but the thoughts of it that touched and inspired one soul will stay forever in thier hearts. I am sure they will carry it in thier own journey of LIFE.." Be blessed!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


As I go through the study of how to excel in my own,God reminded me once again that everything I do, including my corporate work is for Him. Throughout my 2days in depth study of the book entitled “CALLED TO EXCEL”, by Rex Resurreccion, repentance is highlighted in my inmost being. I could not achieve excellence without God’s help, and strength to move. It’s a good reminder for me that excellence is being achieved through my personal worship to the Lord. It seems like God is whispering in my ear, this words,“Marinel, at end of the day, I am your coolest and ultimate Boss “God Almighty”, the one who entrusted you of the talents you have right now, though I have given the authority to your manager, CEO, to lead you, it is my way of showing you in human form that I am Sovereign”. 

God recalled to me the urgency of excellence, and it sums up that work, professionalism, excellence, time management, my loyalty and integrity for the company, and savings that comes from the salary I got from the company where I belong today is for His glory alone.Who moved me to work anyway, this verse is my everyday motivation to energize and remind me that God is the deepest reason why I work; “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as working for the Lord not for men, since you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the LORD CHRIST you are serving. – Colossians 3:23-24”.
He has entrusted me of the talents I have now, and He is calling me to use those talents to the extent of my ability for the benefit of my company, because I know in the “Day of Judgment”, I am accountable to the Lord of how I used those talents, and if I meet its purpose and I am really thrilled to hear in His time these words from Him, “though good and faithful servant” – Matthew 25:21, Luke 19:17. A wake up call for me that mediocrity is not applicable in every ways, though we as Filipinos habitually adapt that principle, but God Himself don’t want us to do the better but our best, that’s why excellence comes in, He designed us for excellence.

I want to be extraordinary person, and an extraordinary employee as God called me to be. I want to be happy in everything I do, and I do not want to be the source of the problem, but the solution of the problem in the company where I work in. I much loved to move with excellence than to hang about what I am today. I believe that I could improve more, I could reach the goal, and I could contribute for the company’s growth. I am planting in the tablet of my heart what I have read; it is a long term practice of walking through my life’s journey of discovering how wonderful God is, and how He designed me to become excellent.

One-by-one, piece-by-piece of His word, I want to encourage my inner man. I don’t want to be mediocre individual but a unique individual who is pursuing excellence. “Marinel, one step at a time, and do not let your self turn back from the origin”. As I feed up my mind, and my heart, I desired to walk at it; this is one of unending course of learning. It motivated me more to foresee the crops of my sacrifices in the future. I would like to see the outcome and my productivity as I gauge it in my own as part of my delicate procedure of discipline.
Being an optimist is what I used to, I hate pessimistic views, because in my knowledge of knowing the LORD in His word, “nothing is impossible with Him”, -Luke 1:37. If I would entertain negative views, I am putting inside the box, what the Lord could do in every circumstance arise.

For me, part of being excellent is being positive, in my outlook in life; it boosts up my confidence also to face each situation with courage and determination to overcome what life could bring. Excellence also for me is a choice and it is a step-by-step process. My goal is to reach the summit and if this day will end that I am dissatisfied with my work, I have another opportunity for tomorrow to excel, explore and convert the depressing moment into an open door to apply what should I get from the previous day of experience. And also focusing on to what I could do to improve myself and not to mind the business of others as I have my own journey of discovering what is in me. To be more cheerful and productive to be a part of the companys achievements.
I have finished the book with excitement and I truly desired to soar high like eagles. I am now in the journey of applying everything I have learned. It is not a one day process I know, but in the end I want to achieve my end goal my main goal is to glorify Him.

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