"Words and writing will last, but the thoughts of it that touched and inspired one soul will stay forever in thier hearts. I am sure they will carry it in thier own journey of LIFE.." Be blessed!


50 Simple Things that you should know about me:

1.    I am a Christian and I know that God Loves Me more than I love Him.
2.       I am attending a youth group fellowship at Campus Crusade for
Christ and Passion Avenue Church.
3.       I love reading my Holy Bible, and meditate to it.
4.       I am a newest member of TOPS (The Outstanding Public Speakers) Toastmasters here in the Philippines. If you want to join. You are welcome to come to our meeting.
5.       I love travelling. To visit Boracay, Pagudpod, Camiguin, Baguio City, Bohol, Puerto Galera, etc.
6.       I love listening music, and I love singing praises to God .
7.       I love reading books.
8.       I love fish all of them. ^_^
9.       I love to spend my spare time alone watching the sunset at Manila Bay.
10.   I love writing here in my Blog site.
11.   I love spending my time alone in my room at night because for me
it is also an opportunity to connect with God silently.
12.   I love to dance.
13.   I love to paint, or draw. But my greatest frustration is to draw a portrait.
14.   I love nature.
15.   I love taking pictures and collecting them as well.
16.   I love to look back in the past, because what I am today it is because of the decisions I made in the previous days of my life.
17.   I love to hear the stories of other people; I know I could learn from their experiences.
18.   I love ice cream.
19.   I love eating chocolates, cookies, pistachios and cashew nuts.
20.   I love to eat in a Korean, Japanese and Chinese restaurant. Even though it is once in a month.
21.   I love my teeth. J hehe!
22.   I choose to be silent when I am angry or I am not in mood. Less talk, less mistake. I don’t want to hurt people with my words and action.
23.   I missed sleeping 8 hours a day. This time I am acquiring
only 5 hours of sleep a day.
24.   I have friends at Korea. Indonesia, South Africa, & China. I met all of them here in the Philippines.
25.   I know that you care if you spend time with me without any interruption.
26.   I love to post notes in my desk. J
27.   I love seeing all of you smile. It is uplifting!
28.   I love to explore new things.
29.   I love challenges.
30.   I love drinking red tea, and green tea.
31.   I love the color of purple, red, & light green.
32.   I want to try, rappelling, zip line, mountain climbing, and to
 join a marathon.
33.   I have Mr. Piggy in my cabinet, where in I could drop my ten, and 5 peso coins. J
34.   I want to travel in Israel, South Korea and Indonesia, and China
35.   I love collecting sort of earrings even if it cost 10 pesos as long as it is unique in my sight.
36.   My birthday is on February 24, 1989.
37.   I love collecting bags, shoes, and dresses.
38.   I love playing board games, chess, games of the general, snake and ladder, scrabble etc.
39.   I cried hard when someone broke my heart. L
40.   And I want to laughed and laughed when someone spend his time to crack jokes just to see me smiling and laughing.
41.   I don’t want argument or debate.
42.   I love looking at the sea. (No! I am not a mermaid hehe J)
43.   I have different perfumes; I never stick to one scent.
44.   I have my personal diary, where in I could write all my secret “only God knows”
45.   I love to visit historical places also.
46.   I love swimming.
47.   I love eating fruits.
48.   I love to be with new friends.
49.   I want to learn how to drive a car. (Could you teach me?)
50.   I love this blog, and to post new events, and to glance who are my viewers.
Are you one of them?
You could also list many things you love about yourself! Promise you would be able to know yourself better..

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