"Words and writing will last, but the thoughts of it that touched and inspired one soul will stay forever in thier hearts. I am sure they will carry it in thier own journey of LIFE.." Be blessed!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Looking for DESTINY?!

What comes in your mind when you read or hear the word DESTINY? Mr. Webster says that, “Destiny is fate; inevitable necessity; lot; or fortune”. When we ask the opinion of other people about it, most of them will answer “it is finding the right one for you”; obviously that someone is pertaining to a lady or a man. Well, they don’t mind about the appearance, for as long as they love the person they want to be with till the end, they really don’t mind a bit even the people around, mock them as if they don’t notice that they exist in their world. Sounds funny but true.
I guess that most of us girls is searching for our Prince charming, or some of the man who are seeking for the Princess that for them it is thier perfect match. But enough of it. Do you still believe that someday you will find your perfect match? like a Fairy Tale that always has the "HAPPY ENDING?"
If that “Destiny” comes in your way, do you feel it? Noticed or experienced? For some people, it is a thing that we made when we drop some sort of decisions, like choosing the one we love for the rest of their lives or the one we want to marry. It’s really the hardest decision we make because as said earlier, it’s like choosing your partner for a lifetime. So, it is too late for regrets.
Most of the people around the world think that they can change their own fate, and saddest part is, they don’t want to let God make their own destiny and the truth are that our right answers fail us. Definitely that is the reality we refused to learn. And the result, we hurt them and so our own self pushing to a wrong one.

Have you encounter a broken family because of a rush decisions? Because of letting the flesh take over love, thinking about it over and over it makes you go crazy. They don’t know that love is sacred as long as they take part of the culture, they don’t bother about the result. A baby that who is born unexpectedly, pregnancy sometimes leads to abortion. A tear fell off my eyes when I hear news that a fetus throws off the garbage, a little one that is too innocent for what is happening in our world. A mother that has no conscience doing this is immoral. For my own opinion, if they don’t want to become parents to their child, you have to think before doing that pleasure.

You know what? Yes you! God want what is the best for you, if you let the will of God pass your way then wait for the right one. Don’t lose hope waiting for the right man or lady for you. Know what? It pays to wait upon the Lord.
God is busy preparing that someone or maybe he/she is right there beside you.God is waiting for the right timing He design, for you to have His special gift for you. When God knows that both of you are ready. He will grant what you are praying for a very long period of time.

I want you to know this; God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life that He gave Jesus died in the cross for our sins. We need to admit and confess to God that we are sinners. And let God take over the driver seat of our lives. Let Him guide our way, even to the point of rocky road we encounter.
And pertaining to our destiny? Trust God in writing the best loves story of our lives. Isn’t it exciting? If God directing our way? And not ours hold our own dull fate, resulting to discord and frustration?
Come to think of it. God made us and He knows not only the better but the best for us. God don’t want a broken family, imperfect relationship and crash lives but He wants us to have what is perfect because God is perfect. In short, God want us to be perfect. (Matthew 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”)

Let me share to you this, a text message that is passed to me. It says “Don’t rush into fallen in love, for love never runs out! Even if they mock you coz you are single, just tell them ‘God is just busy writing the best loves story for me’.” It’s nice to hear right? So be prepared. And be still.

Let me share to you another one. This is one of my favorite songs. I love the rendition and most especially the lyrics sang by the band Barlow girl entitled “AVERAGE GIRL” the lyrics goes this way: “So what I’m not your average girl, I don’t meet the standards of this world. Chasing after boys is not my thing. See I’m waiting for a wedding ring. No more dating, I’m just waiting like sleeping beauty; my prince will come for me. No more dating, I’m just waiting, ‘cause God is writing my love story. Boys are bad that’s certainly not true ‘cause God’s preparing one for you. If you get tired waiting till he comes Gods arms are the perfect place to run. Sleep, that’s the only thing for me, ‘coz when I sleep Gods preparing one for me.”

For me being single is not big deal. It’s ok that you are single. Well, I really don’t care. But the most exciting part of waiting for Mr. Right? Fewer mistakes, less pain and less regrets. Love God first, so that you will forget the word “TIRED” of waiting.
Or, if you have a boyfriend right now, fiancée/fiancé, or engage. It is your chance to pray for one another, keep on asking to God that you want to be married to him/her. Let God know how sincere you are. Commit also your purity and commitment to Him. And you would be amazed how faithful God is because of your sacrifices just to honor Him. And let your expectant heart rejoice!.
God says: “Marinel, Smile, dream big and live life to the fullest coz I am with you always.”
You! The one who is reading this; I encourage you to try to say to yourself the same thing.
Your name, Smile, dream big and live life to the fullest coz I am with you always.”God said. ^_^

God Bless..
Thank you for reading this topic. Hope this one inspire you.

Revised writing from my old blog : http://marinel-angelstar.blog.friendster.com/category/love/ 

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