"Words and writing will last, but the thoughts of it that touched and inspired one soul will stay forever in thier hearts. I am sure they will carry it in thier own journey of LIFE.." Be blessed!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

With God all things are possible

Photo from faithcometh blog

It was lunch time when I arrived home, I eat my lunch alone, I was thinking if I could take my rest and have a movie marathon. I open my computer browse my files it struck my mind to watch FACING THE GIANTS for the second time. Knowing that I will not find something new about the movie, I was wrong. I did enjoy the movie much more than I expected. I meet the Lord, my tears started to fall, I was surprised wiping my tears as God talks to me in every episode of the movie.

Honestly speaking, I don’t have enough knowledge about football games. But God did use the movie for me to realize that He is God. And even though how big the GIANTS in my life are. He is God when I am weak to make me strong, He is God when I have fears for me to realized, that He is the God that I can depend on. He is a God who heals all my sickness too.

What I learned about the movie is that depending upon your strength you will not attain the victory of life. Yes! Some are proud that the attain success with their strength and power but I believe as they enjoy what they have because of their own strength they are still empty inside, Bible says is James 4:6 "But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” When we believe that God will answer all our prayers He will. Have faith. Believe in Him without a doubt. Work as if you do it for His glory not your own. It says in Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

There are times, I felt the like not doing my best in my work. Thinking about that word in Colossians that I need to follow, I have a motivation to work and serve not my work but to do my best for the Lord.

In connection with what God to want me to remember about is that to be like the attitude of Paul. Paul said in Philippians 3:8 “What is more I consider everything a loss compared to a surprising greatness of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ.” Having a good salary, sometimes make us forget who Jesus Christ is in our lives. We tend to focus on our own success, our own achievements without thanking God who give us what we have right now, our work, our salary, our good Managers and Supervisors. Sometimes, when we receive compliments from other people, we claim that, all the work has been done because we are great. But when we think about it deeply, we are just an instrument of God who wants to use us for His glory, and how mighty He is in our lives. We tend to forget Him most of the times, when we are happy to do and decide what we want without thinking that the Author and writer of our lives is God not us. We make choices of course, but God has a planned for us what He wants us to be.

Holy week is fast approaching, have you list down the things that you need to asked for forgiveness to our Savior Jesus Christ? And repent as well? Or you haven’t think about it because you are just thinking about a long vacation, without thinking about the man hang on the cross and died for your sins 2000 years ago, who raise from the dead to show us that He is God of the Universe and ready to live in your heart if you let Him live in you.
I believe if you asked for forgiveness today, and repent for all your sins. He is willing to forgive your sins today, tomorrow and even future sins. And address you as one of His children living in obedience for His Glory. “With God all things are possible “Matthew 19:26. Blessed day, everyone!

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