"Words and writing will last, but the thoughts of it that touched and inspired one soul will stay forever in thier hearts. I am sure they will carry it in thier own journey of LIFE.." Be blessed!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am walking with an absence mind
Waiting for you..
You've called me from behind
You've called me by name 
for the first time.

As I stared at you
I have many inputs in mind
I'm battling, with many questions arise.
Will you be responsible 
enough to take care of my heart?

I walk, and imagine that 
we are not together, I need to 
adjust for a couple of minutes
I want to make myself ready to
accept the reality that we 
would be apart in time. 

Now, it's the moment of departure
Heart beat faster as I could imagine, 
rush hours,last telephone calls,
text messages that bid goodbyes.
Supremacy of loneliness, mix emotions.

Do you need to leave?
Do I need to let you go?
Do you need to do this?
Do you need to say goodbye for a while?
Questions left unanswered
and hanging in my brain this time.

I am speechless.
I cannot think deeeply anyway.
I wanna be with you.
You leave your last message
"I INDEED TRUST YOU Dear.. Take Care!"
My heart melts, I couldn't 
speak even a single word.

I am convincing myself,
NO,this is not a reality
it was just a dream
Till I realize, time passed
You already leave..

I just whisper from a distance..
"Do not worry Dear, I will wait for you here"
Bon Voyage..

"SUNSET" - Cravings for HAPPINESS..

October 06, 2010 Wednesday

Oh, Sunset could you please wait for me?
Take away all my disappointments
As You let the sun sets in its destination LORD,
Take my sadness and loneliness I want it
to end so soon..

As the sun goes up in the east
every morning ..
I am longing for the fresh beginning
To forget what happened yesterday and
move forward to what is ahead.
What I like about sunset.
It made me glad..
It is for me the end of the day but
the chance for a new
beginning to give opportunity for
the sweet sunrise that says "Hi".
Each time I stared at the white blue sky.

Sunset also, inspires me..
As I compare it to life.
During those times colors are painted everywhere
pink, dark blue, yellow orange etc..
LIFE is colorful even in the darkest hour
of my life.

I could still rejoice,
shout for praises and joy
even it is painful.. but the essence
is still there.. I KEEP GOING..
I could still move forward I know
step-by-step will do,
until I reach the goal, and
finish the race and to hold
the banner of victory
I know I could overcome
everything with You!

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